University of Dundee

Taking steps to enter the China market is a key strategic decision for businesses of all sizes. From the outset, it is critical to have an in-depth understanding of China’s increasingly sophisticated consumers and market segments; its diverse cities, regions and economic zones; and business environment factors that present unique challenges both at the beginning of the journey and in-market for foreign invested enterprises.
In order to succeed, companies must take the time to their build knowledge and understanding of the Chinese market prior to investment. Our tailored market research and analysis-based services will help you gain vital market insights for your brand, sector, product or service in China - essential for making any important business decisions and providing you with the platform from which to position your business for optimal results within the Chinese market.
CBBC’s expansive coverage across China, including representation in many regional cities and provinces, allows your company to access our on-the-ground team to tap into their market intelligence and knowledge. Our sector teams understand the nuances of their specific industry focus and can provide you with deep dive insights and advice into market segments, Chinese consumer culture, marketing trends and data, and consumer demographics to drive your China strategy.
Our international team can provide the following range of market research, analysis and intelligence-based services which can guide you towards:
Whatever your requirements, we will work with you to scope and build a bespoke journey for you. For more information, please contact us.
CBBC's Influencer Focus Group service is a unique offering UK consumer brands to connect with top-notch London-based Chinese influencers and student ambassadors, providing valuable opportunities to gain first-hand insights into the brand perception amongst potential Chinese consumers. It is a must-have for UK consumer brands looking to tap into the potential of the Chinese market and drive sales growth.
It maximises your market impact by bridging the cultural gap and leveraging the power of local insights. Unlike in the UK where social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram reign supreme, the Chinese market operates differently, with its own preferred channels for product research, communication, and reviews. Our focus group discussions delve deeper into the mindset and narratives of Chinese consumers, providing key insights into their purchasing motives.
The 45-minute focus group sessions are designed to deliver impactful results, offering a platform for brands to cover a wide range of topics, from new product launches to packaging, consumer trends, purchasing behaviour, and market entry strategies.
With CBBC’s Influencer Focus Group service, you can confidently make strategic decisions to approach, innovate, and succeed in the Chinese market.
Why join a focus group?