Understanding the background of your Chinese business partners, suppliers, distributors or investors is a pre-requisite for entering into a successful partnership. To support our Members and clients to make the right decisions for their business, CBBC offers due diligence and company background check services which help UK companies to understand the business status, financial standing, credibility and capabilities of potential Chinese suppliers or partners. 

We provide you with a company registration report based on background research and investigations through the appropriate State Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC). All companies in China are legally required to register with the municipal level AIC bureau to obtain their business licence and we can generate a Company Registration Report for you that includes the following key information:

•    Company name
•    Registered address
•    Registration number
•    Legal representative
•    Registration capital
•    Date of registration
•    Type of enterprise
•    Business scope
•    Shareholder
•    Renewal status

This basic company information will enable you to qualify whether the Chinese target company is bona fide, legitimately registered and fit for purpose. It can also enable you to assess what further due diligence may be appropriate to conduct.

More in-depth Due Diligence

Conducting a Company Registration Report is the very first level of due diligence one should carry out when researching the background of a Chinese company. You may require access to more detailed information, such as financial statements, quality and social responsibility information on a prospective partner in China. CBBC through our comprehensive Member network is able to provide the necessary guidance. 


For more information about Company Background Checks, please contact us.


Conducting an AIC check is the very first level of due diligence one should carry out when researching the background of a Chinese company. CBBC can also signpost you to other service providers that offer more detailed due diligence, such as financial information. Every effort will be made to ensure that the information given in the check is accurate. However CBBC is acting as a conduit and translation service for information from the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or misleading statements in the information and no responsibility is accepted as to the standing of any firm, company or individual mentioned. The British Embassy in Beijing also offers advice on the resolution of business disputes.