Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA)

The Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) is an international leader in education and training with a strong global reputation for its robust qualifications. Since entering China in 2003, SQA has developed a wide range of qualifications for delivery in the market. This enables Chinese students to realise their potential by enabling advanced university entry and providing the relevant skills and experience for employment. All quality assurance and certification of the qualifications is carried out by SQA.
CBBC's Launchpad service has opened up and built a sustained platform for SQA to evolve and grow its business in China.
Strengthened Partnership
SQA’s key partner and stakeholder is the Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE), under the Ministry of Education which is the exclusive delivery partner for the SQA Advanced Diploma in China. Launchpad, through employment of a dedicated SQA representative has enabled SQA to have a presence on the ground in China, whereby SQA are able to work both effectively and efficiently with their Chinese partners in the same time zone, without language barriers and with the appropriate level of knowledge and expertise. This has ensured that a successful and sustained long-term partnership has been established and nurtured. Having direct representation in the China market has also enabled SQA to grow it’s network of delivery centres across China to further service the Chinese market.
In 2017, the SQA Advanced Diploma programme was written into the Joint Statement of the Fifth Meeting of the UK-China High-Level People to People Dialogue. The governments of both the UK and China welcomed the cooperation facilitated by the CSCSE and SQA in the field of education qualification and training courses based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the governmental departments of the two countries.
Success in Programme Delivery
At present, 15 SQA Advanced Diploma courses are being delivered in 375 universities across China. Over the past 19 years since entering the market, participation on the SQA training programme has exceeded over 60,000 students and with positive perception from the market and increased awareness, these numbers will continue to rise.
“The CBBC Launchpad programme has given SQA the confidence and assurance to deploy a team member on the ground in China to act as our trusted representative. We have appreciated working with CBBC since entering the market in 2003. Launchpad offers us the confidence, flexibility and transparency through the service delivery model and fee structure needed to successfully operate our programmes in China.
- Aisling Kelly, International Regional Manager, Asia Market, SQA