The benefits of taking part in our tour:

  • CBBC has many contacts among MNCs, including top airlines and China’s four biggest banks, and a wide network of member companies.
  • In addition to providing exposure, the Brands of Britain Tour will activate relationships with purchasing managers from the companies we visit, paving the way to potential new distribution channels through their companies’ employee group purchases or VIP customer rewards.

Why join?

Joining the Brands of Britain Tour will allow you to:

  • Improve your brand awareness in China among employees and decision makers at leading MNCs.
  • Connect with purchasing managers to develop potential new distribution channels through their companies’ employee group purchases or VIP customer rewards.
  • Provide target consumers the chance to try your products and learn about your brand’s story.
  • Interact with target consumers through CBBC and receive direct consumer feedback about your products and services.

Tour Agenda

We will organise the Brands of Britain Tour into four themed periods of three months, with three tours taking place each month. 

These themes are:

  • Health & Wellness 
  • Into the Wild
  • Reunions & Gatherings
  • Joy & Festivities 

Tours will be conducted monthly, and participating brands can subscribe to participate on a quarterly or annual basis.

We will hold one workshop every month from January to March for the first season.

The following themes for January to March are tentative and may be subject to change: 

  • Celebrating Chinese New Year - Gifts and Traditions
  • Snug & Cozy - Items to Keep You Healthy and Entertained at Home
  • Stepping Into Spring - Fresh New Ideas for You and Your Family

Explore the full agenda here

Sign up for the Brands of Britain Tour today! 

If you are interested in participating in the Brands of Britain Tour, please email Antoaneta Becker (Director, Consumer Economy, UK) at or Ran Guo (Director, Consumer Economy, China) at