Message from the CBBC Chief Executive | CBBC Member Survey and Government China Audit Submission
Our submission was based in part on a number of Round Tables with Members and on a Survey of Members which was completed in the course of October and November.
We are enormously grateful to those of you who completed the survey, and I am delighted to say that the findings have now been analysed and compiled into a report. I think you’ll agree that it is an extremely interesting document, that offers real insight into the UK-China business environment, and what our Members think about current and future challenges and opportunities.
We would be grateful for any feedback from you on either the audit submission or the Member survey.
CBBC is the key private-sector voice in the bilateral economic relationship - and we want to continue to make sure that the voice of business is heard.
If you are interested in joining the China-Britain Business Council as a Member please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at to discuss how we can help you grow your business. Explore our Membership offering here.
Peter Burnett OBE BBS
Chief Executive, China-Britain Business Council