webinar series


Webinar Series

CBBC was delighted to present a webinar series in the run up to COP26, exploring the role that UK and Chinese business can play in support of these targets.

The series was composed of five individual sessions focused on the following themes: Energy Transition; Adaptation & Resilience; Clean Transportation; Green Finance; and Nature – and will featured leading speakers across related industries.

All events were in English with interpretation into Chinese included.


Explore the Sessions Below:  

Climate change is forcing cities and regions around the world to face up to an inevitable energy transition. Nowhere is the need for this more evident than in what might be described as ‘Energy Cities’, whose economic fabric has for decades relied heavily upon growth in conventional thermal energy sources such as coal and oil. They are often among the most carbon-intensive regions of the world and where the greatest savings and reductions can be made. The UK and China have several regions of this nature and the ability to facilitate their transition to more sustainable models of economic activity is a priority for both local and central government.

Watch the recording here


Technology is emerging as a key enabler in the path to net zero, with the tech sector playing a critical role both in CO2 emissions and mitigating the long-term impact of climate change. 5G networks, IoT, big data, AI and high-performance computing all have a critical role to play in addressing the global climate emergency.

Watch the recording here


As the world moves towards cleaner transport, the pressure is on for manufacturers to come up with solutions and this is perhaps most obvious in the automotive market.

Watch the recording here


The UK’s finance sector has been well positioned to grasp the multiple opportunities that China’s dynamic financial services sector has thrown open in recent years: where there has been a surge in activity around models of green finance and its use as an enabler of green growth.

Watch the recording here


The world is facing the twin threats of climate change and biodiversity loss and one cannot be solved without addressing the other. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use account for nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. They also support global food security, and millions of jobs.

Watch the recording here


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