Optimising MNCs' R&D for China and Global Markets

Time: 16:30 (Offline) 17:00 (Online)
Format: Offline (Beijing) & Online (Zoom)
Venue: CBBC Office, Room 901, 9th Floor, Building C Guanghualu SOHO II, Building No.9 Guanghualu, Beijing
Language: English
Note: Offline seats are limited and open to members only
The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) cordially invites members and MNC representatives to a briefing to understand the complex landscape of the intellectual property ownership structure and transfer pricing strategy for MNCs conducting R&D and innovation in China. The briefing will explore the common strategies that MNCs employ in the Chinese market. The aim is to sustain your business momentum and leverage the available tax incentives in China.
The Chinese government's 2025 national strategy of intellectual manufacturing promotes R&D and innovation by offering preferential tax incentives to foreign-invested companies that develop and own technologies within China. The various tax incentives to encourage local R&D activities, include:
High and New Technology Enterprise (HNTE). The local Chinese entity must retain ownership of the technology.
Technology Advanced Service Enterprise (TASE). The local entity's service must fall within the recognised scope.
R&D Expense Super-deduction.
Industry-specific incentive applicable to the software and integrated circuit business.
What you will gain from this event:
IP deployment for MNCs’ R&D/innovation in China
China registered IP’s globalization
Common practice of MNCs’ R&D activities in China
We have invited a panel of experts to share from IP and tax perspectives, including Li Hui, Partner, Kangxin Partners, and Julie Hao, Partner, International Tax & Transaction Services, EY to touch on the above topics.
16:30-17:00 Offline event guest registration
17:00-17:05 Welcome remarks, Tom Simpson, Managing Director, China, CBBC
17:05-17:25 Presentation: IP Essentials for Foreign Businesses in China
Lucy Li, Partner, Attorney-at-law, Patent Attorney, Kangxin Partners
17:25-17:45 Presentation: Tax considerations for Commonly Seen IP Models
Julie Hao, Partner, International Tax & Transaction Services, Ernst & Young China
17:45-17:55 Q&A
17:55-18:00 Closing remarks