The second largest economy, China continues to offer huge opportunities for UK exporters. However, China can seem like a challenging market for Western companies to enter successfully. Its size and complexity, its unique business landscape, and perceived cultural differences can feel like insurmountable challenges, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

CBBC’s China Business Training programme helps new-to-market businesses demystify China and provides sound practical advice for how to fully capitalise on emerging business opportunities in the market. This bespoke training programme enables clients to build a training programme tailored to the individual needs of participants, covering topics such as business culture, establishing partnerships, protecting IP, corporate structuring, digital marketing, and sector opportunities. The programme can be delivered via physical workshops at client's premises; at CBBC's Westminster office; or as virtual workshops.

Please click HERE for further details on our tailored China Business Training programme.



China Business Culture Training

Western companies operating in China often find navigating China’s unique cultural environment particularly challenging. China is sometimes perceived as being a “difficult” market, with cultural differences one of the most frequently cited areas of concern. Our most popular training programme, CBBC’s China Business Culture Training will help companies decode these cultural differences, helping to smooth the path of market entry, build confidence, and improve relationships with Chinese partners, colleagues, and clients.  


Topics covered include:

  • China’s history, economy, geography, and politics.
  • China’s core philosophies, values and how they impact businesses.
  • How to communicate effectively with Chinese clients, employees, and partners.
  • The ‘Dos and Don’ts’ of travelling and conducting business in China.
  • Regional and generational cultural differences.
  • Practical cultural tips, such as etiquette, gift-giving, food & drink, networking, and social media.
  • How to avoid causing offence, and managing any breakdowns in communication. 


China Business Culture Training is available as open sessions or as bespoke client training packages. Please follow the links below to register for one our upcoming open sessions, or for more information on our bespoke programmes please contact us directly at



  • Members: Free (up to 3 staff members)
  • Non-members: £188 (+VAT)


Upcoming Dates:

Stay tuned for upcoming dates!